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  • Writer's pictureMaid in T.O Toronto

5 Easy Smart Office Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Everyone wants to have a really clean and organized office. This is not only to increase the boost the morale for all the employees but also to give a good first impression to the clients visiting the commercial buildings. Office Cleaning tips can get hectic if you do it alone or with the janitorial staff of the office. You may have to hire Affordable House Cleaning Services Toronto to make the job easy for you. Apart from hiring professional services, there are some useful tips you can use to easily clean your office.

1) The Office Electronics

The annoying thing about dirt is that it can easily enter the electronic devices that we use in our offices. They can easily seep into the dark corners of the cables and computers we use quickly. To prevent dust from affecting your electronic devices, you should use a soft duster to clean them frequently. You should try to get your janitorial staff to do it every single day if possible. They should also use disinfectant on telephones so as to prevent germs.

2) Working Area

Every week, all the work stations should be cleaned using proper cleaning tools such as dusters and Maid services Toronto. There should be no dirt or dust lying anywhere because that can be very distracting to your employees. It can also trigger some allergies for those who are prone to it. The tables should be clean at all times. The failure to do that will have negative consequences for your office’s overall productivity levels.

3) Desk Areas

Make sure no desk is too cluttered in your office because it can get hectic. You could end up missing a lot of important documents and the mess would impact the efficiency of the employees in the offices. So, you should clean out your desk area as much as you can. There should be tissues everywhere as well. Some offices have gel disinfectants on the desks too so that all the germs can be removed. This is all about Cleaning Services Toronto.

4) Handling the Paperwork

The most common thing one sees in modern offices is all the paperwork lying around here and there. If there are piles upon piles of paperwork randomly scattered everywhere around the office premises, then you definitely have a problem that needs to be resolved. Make sure you discard only those paper documents that you do not need. The rest should be properly stored in the appropriate cabinets. Each employee should be in charge of their documents and should be careful with them.

5) Bathrooms

It is common to find unhygienic bathrooms in public areas but you have to make yours an exception. There should never be water pooling around the floors, if there are any leakage problems then make sure you call the plumbers right away. The bathrooms should be cleaned on a daily basis. That also includes disinfecting the bathroom so that your employees never get sick from the bathrooms. The soap and paper towels should be in good condition and refilled in a timely manner too.


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